While there have always been distracted drivers on the road, the constant use of cell phones, especially among teenagers, has brought the problem to near-epidemic proportions.
That’s why our surgeons have joined with St. Mary’s Trauma Department and local law enforcement to speak to high school students about the dangers of texting and driving. The program also features a video with powerful testimonials from teenagers who chose to text and drive and now must live with the consequences of killing another person as a result.
Here are some facts you should know about texting and driving:
- If you text and drive, you’re 23 times more likely to have a car crash.
- Texting and driving can be more dangerous than drinking and driving.
- Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. If you’re driving 55 mph, that’s like having your eyes off the road for the length of a football field. A lot can happen in the length of a football field when driving blind.
- 11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes reported being distracted at the time of the crash.
- 13% of drivers 18-20 involved in car crashes admitted to texting or talking on their cell phones at the time of the crash.
- 34% of Americans say that they have texted while driving.
- Indiana banned texting and driving for ALL drivers, and banned all cell phone use for novice drivers.
If you are interested in having Evansville Surgical Associates, St. Mary’s Trauma Department, and local law enforcement speak to students at your school, please call 424-8231 or 800-264-8231.